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    Business disruptions due to the Coronavirus continue to spread throughout the United States. Growing numbers of companies are facing disruptions such as closed plants, closed schools, employees stuck at home, and undelivered goods and supplies.  $1.5 trillion of global economic activity could be lost as the coronavirus pandemic continues to spread. Commercial Business Policies include […]

    April 17, 2020

  • COVID-19 Auto Insurance Rebate Announcement

    Recently, there have been announcements from various insurance carriers indicating that they will be issuing a rebate on personal auto insurance policies due to the nationwide “Shelter In Place” orders. The information we have received from our carriers is rapidly changing on a daily basis, and the rebate or paybacks being offered varies among the companies […]

    April 10, 2020

  • man in new car

    I Just Bought a New Car. What Insurance Coverage Do I Need?

    Congratulations! After weeks of research, comparing makes and models, and taking test drives you finally bought that brand-new car you wanted. But before you take that well-deserved road trip, check one more item off your list: the right car insurance. While some auto coverage options are essential whatever the age of your car, new vehicles […]

    April 8, 2020

  • Important News About Your COVID Stimulus Rebate

    Recently the government passed a relief package to help citizens and businesses during this time. As a result, many citizens will be receiving a stimulus check to relieve some of the financial pressures many are now facing. Unfortunately, this has given rise to hackers and scam artists who will try to steal that money from […]

    April 7, 2020

  • Important Information About Your Insurance During COVID-19

    As the COVID-19 pandemic grows larger, please know that Crow Hill Insurance is here to help you during these uncertain times. Many insurance carriers are working to support their customers by offering relief through various options. Some examples include: Waiving late fees and penalties Offering temporary coverage to those using their cars for food or […]

    April 6, 2020

  • cat peeking over couch

    Keep Your Pets Safe in a Disaster

    A safe home, a regular routine, a soft bed – the things that bring you comfort bring your pet comfort, too. It’s so important to give some advance thought to how you’d handle your pet responsibilities during and after a disastrous storm or other event. Your family emergency plan should include considerations for Fluffy or […]

    March 18, 2020

  • bird on electric line

    Why You Need Service Line Coverage

    Let’s spare a moment for something most of us use every day yet probably take for granted: our service lines. We rely on them for access to water, electricity, gas, Internet connection, and more, but only think about them when service is interrupted. And when that happens, you may be surprised by what your basic […]

    February 20, 2020

  • NZDM Starion OEM first aid kit

    Stay Safe on (and off) the Road This Winter With These Items for Your Car

    You keep your home stocked with supplies to use in case of emergency. (Right?) What about your car? During winter, extreme weather and road conditions can lead to all kinds of trouble when you’re traveling — crashes, getting stuck, getting lost. And cold temperatures make those situations even more dangerous than usual. So keep a […]

    February 6, 2020

  • family stickers on car

    What to Consider When Choosing Auto Insurance

    Carrying a minimum amount of auto insurance is required by state laws, so you can’t legally drive without it. Yet while the minimum amount keeps your premiums lower, it can also put you at great risk if you have an accident. And after an accident is not the time to find out you’re underinsured. When […]

    January 13, 2020

  • Senior Couple

    Assessing your Homeowners Insurance Policy

    At least once a year, you should take a few minutes and review your insurance policies and ask yourself a few questions: Do I have adequate coverage to replace my home in the event of a natural disaster? Have I made any improvements to the home, like a new deck, or a new addition? Have […]

    January 10, 2020